Nov 12, 2017

Flower power

Kreće, jedna inspirativna priča podstaknuta ovom nedeljom. Nedeljom kada je napolju sve narandžasto i ne, nije tužno, naprotiv! Jesen je otrkila raznolike krošnje koje su u leto sve bile iste, zelene. Nedeljom kada baka pravi knedle sa šljivama. Nedeljom kada mama sprema porodični ručak. Kreće, priča podstaknuta nekim vrednostima van ovih blogova, vlogova, Bazara i Burde. Vrednostima koje nosimo iz kuće. 
Ima nas još tako naučenih. Koji uživamo u nedeljama kod kuće u toplom ambijentu doma. Ovo je jedan drugačiji post, nije užurban. Ovo je post za koji su zaslužne mame, bake, karmini koji nezaboravno mirišu, bordo lak za nokte i haljina šaka iznad kolena.


I need to tell you some of my thoughts which are strolling around my had this Sunday. This was kind of Sunday that I like the most. Sunday when my grandma is cooking. Sunday when familly is all together. This is kind of Sunday that are unusal these days. Everything was slowly and peacful. Without too much time on our phones. Kind of Sunday that can't be explaind in vlogs or posts. You need to have family and time like this to know what I'm talking about.


Smeđ papir i tvrda etiketa. Unutar smeđeg papira još tvrđa koža. Onda neizostavno:,,Kako ovo dobro miriše!'' Uzdah. Tako je izgledalo otvaranje mog rođendanskog poklona i upoznavanje sa ovim predivnim, mojim prvim klasiskom, crnim Manual rancem. Znate one mirise koji vraćaju sećanja? E baš takav jeste miris nove Manualke koja miriše na pravu žensku pojavu. Elegantnu i klasičnu. Kad kažete ove dve reči još jedan pojam mi se obavezno javi u mislima. Lepršava haljina, predivne dužine, takozvane, šaka iznad kolena. Ima li šta lepše, elegantnije i ženstvenije što žena može pronosati jednog običnog, radnog dana? I zahvaljujem se mami, baki, Coco Chanel, Ani Wintour i Audrey Hepburn što su moja večna inspiracija, što su me naučile šta znači biti žena.
Nasuprot toj eleganciji - martinke koje su toliko old school ali nikada nisu napuštale modu i mrežaste čarape koje su ove sezone doživele svoj povratak u modni svet.

To bi bilo sve od mojih misli ove nedelje, do sledećeg puta budite mi pozdravljeni.

Ljubim vas, A.

 You know one of those pieces that your granny and mum used to wear in their time? How much they bring us back in childhood, how much they remind us of picture where grandma is young and beautiful. They bring us back in time when lipstick had characteristic scent, when burgundy nail polish could be seen on every lady, when dresses were everyday combo for one women. Those dresses, not too short - not too long, are explanation for word elegance. Is there enything more faminin that one women can wear on daily basis? I'm grateful to my mother and grandma for teaching me how to be a lady. My mum, my grannies, Audrey Hepburn, Coco Chanel, Anna Winotur, will always be my style icon. On the other hand, there are Martens shoes. Not at all elegant but always trendy. I love the fact that fishnet socks are IN again because with them every look is a bit edgy.
In this post I show you how to be elegant but edgy, lady like but to stay yourself, how to wear summmerish clothing pieces in this autumn time.

Sending love, A.

Dress - BikBok
Jacket - similar HERE
Boots - Martens shoes
Socks - HERE
Bag - the Manual co.

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