Sep 17, 2017

Week in outfits - Back to school ideas!

Možemo sumirati, sabirati, žaliti i pitati se, ali činjenica je tu - prvi dani škole već su odbrojani. U skladu sa tim nastavljamo ovaj post u pokusaju da razbijemo monotoniju farmerke-majica.-škola. Želim vam uspešne školske (za nekoga radne) dane. Budite posvećeni tome što radite.

Ljubim vas, A.  

You can talk about how fast time flies, you may ask why summer is in hurry to leave us? Meanwhile I started writing this post in order to cheer you up! Motivation is very important for the first day of school and even for life. Don't be lazy because, in that situation, there is always someone who will be more hardworking than you. Don't let them that. Stay hardowking and fashionable my loves.

Sending love, A.

 Pants - Bershka
Jumper - stradivarius
Backpack - carpisa
 Headband - H&M
 Pants - ZARA
Spaghetti top - (old) similar HERE
Shirt - (old) similar HERE

 Skirt - similar HERE
 T-shirt - H&M

 Pants - Bershka
T-shirt - TimeOut

Tunic - Kooi

Skirt - handmade 
T-shirt - New Yorker
Backpack - Oilily

Watch - casio
Bracelet - pandora
 Sneakers - converse
Notebook - home plus

Sep 3, 2017

Mix it up

Zabavan i totalno fešn autfit, ali prosto inspiracije za pisanje istog nigde. Sve što imam da vam kažem u okviru ovog posta je: igrajte se stilovima, dezenima i bojama. Previše je prilika za malu crnu haljinu, a premalo hrabrosti da budete originalni. 
Šaljem vam pozdrave iz najudobnije kreacije koju je čovek mogao izmisliti - pidžame.
Ljubim vas, A.


Hi guys! Today I'm here with this super fun, kind of gipsy outfit. But I have no inspiration to write about, so I will let my pics talk for me.
Sending love from the most comfiest place ever - bed.

Skirt - similar HERE
Top - extremeintimo
Sandals - adam's shoes 
Hair tie - accessorize