Feb 16, 2017

Back to ballerinas

Autfit  u danasnjem postu je  prilicno jednostavan. Nosim preudobne levis farmerice (o kojima razmisljam da pisem poseban post jer su bile prve na mojoj wish listi i konacno ih imam), bluzu koja daje dozu romantike i ove predivne baletanke koje mozete upecati u zari po bas povoljnoj ceni.  Mislim da je ovo savrsena, prilicno zenstvena kombinacija za svaki dan. Jer ponekad moramo da iskocimo iz patika i pocepanih farmerki i damo se malo elegnaciji, slazete li se?

Ljubim vas, A.

Outfit in this post is a casual one. I'm wearing most comfortable and legendary jeans - levis 501 (maybe I will write whole post just about levis jeans, because they were on the top of my wishlist and now I get my hands on it) paired with a romantic blouse and this ballerinas. I like them a lot because they are elegnat but quite edgy. Perfect daywear outfit: sometimes we need to be feminine, don't you agree?

Sending love, A.

Jeans - levis
Blouse - ZARA
Ballerinas - ZARA
Ring -  H&M
Belt - ZARA
Bag - similar HERE